27 On 27
Hi there,This coming Spring, I am taking part in the FightMND 27 Challenge, by undertaking a 27km (under 17 miles) walk from just outside Kwinana (S32.23419, E115.84290), all the way on up to Canning bridge (S32.01063, E115.85504), this coming King's Birthday on Monday, September 23. This one long stoat for a long stoat, is all in order in order to raise funds for ongoing MND research.
The average life expectancy of someone diagnosed with MND is just 27 months. Over 27 days, we will be walking, running, cycling or swimming our way through this important challenge. If you can, please support me by making a donation to my fundraising page. Every dollar counts and all funds raised go to FightMND who are determined to fund vital MND research and help find a cure for MND.
Help me on my odyssey, so that we can move unceasingly to that closer to that one singular and historical day when a cure is eventually discovered, by donating even whatever little you can, or planning to set about on your own great subsequent 27km journey, so that noone ever need suffer or die from this most horrid disease again.
Thank you, your support is sincerely appreciated and means a lot!
--The Dogbomb Walkers.
Tony "Dogbomb" Barrett was a veterinary technician and marathon runner diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis on March, 2018, and made the decision to end his own life on April, 2019. Since then, Tony's legacy has been to inspire others into raising up to tens of thousands of dollars towards ALS-related organisations. Those seeking to ferret out more info, can read more of Tony's story here: http://web.alsa.org/site/DocServer/Tony_BarrettBio2022.pdf
Thank you to our Sponsors

Ft Dellway

Paul Razey

Paul Razey

Ft Dellway

Paul Razey
