• Anonymous just donated $32.43
  • Jack Roveda just donated $28.49
  • Queechy just donated $600
  • Test just donated $2.11
  • Joshua Clegg just donated $28.49
  • Steph Spizzica just donated $21.10
  • Trina Gill just donated $28.49
  • Paula Gould just donated $28.49
  • Anonymous just donated $28.49
  • Jenni Campbell just donated $158.25
  • 4 Cousins Supermercato just donated $385
  • Steven just donated $21.10
  • Cathy and Daryl just donated $28.49
  • Donna Bradley just donated $158.25
  • Greg Julie just donated $58.02
  • Paul Fiume just donated $52.75
  • Trish Murray just donated $20
  • Erica Hoggett just donated $58.02
  • Trish Gallagher just donated $52.75
  • Lillian Ellison just donated $13.71

Make a donation to Challenge 27

Motor Neurone Disease (MND) is a devastating disease and currently, there are more than 2,000 Australians living with MND, with an average life expectancy of just 27 months from diagnosis.

We’ve fearlessly fought the Beast for 10 years, but there’s more to do.

Every donation brings us one step closer to a cure.

Want to host to a part of Challenge 27?
Find out more here.

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Can help researchers drive new discoveries in MND research
Can help researchers identify new tools to reduce the time it takes for an MND diagnosis
Can help fund Care research to improve the quality and quantity of life for people with MND
Can help researchers understand the causes of MND to one day prevent or delay the disease

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