Renmark North School

DIY Big Freeze

Renmark North School is fundraising for FightMND

Hi there,

We are taking the plunge this DIY Big Freeze 10 to fundraise $500 towards vital funds for Motor Neurone Disease (MND). 

The average life expectancy of someone diagnosed with MND is just 27 months.

We will be getting iced so please support us by donating to fund vital research, effective treatments and ultimately a cure for MND.

Thank you so much for your support!

Best wishes,

Renmark North School

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Tuesday 28th May
We are absolutely blown away by the support we have received from our community. A very big thank you to each and everyone of you! 

Its been so wonderful to see the children coming into school and voting for their favourite staff member and having a little giggle as they pop their tokens into the staff member's container.

Thanks again
The Renmark North School Big Freeze Team