Seaford footy club u8 girls

DIY Big Freeze

I’m fundraising for FightMND

Hi there,

We are taking the plunge this DIY Big Freeze 10 to fundraise ($100) towards vital funds for Motor Neurone Disease (MND). 

The average life expectancy of someone diagnosed with MND is just 27 months.

We will be having our club president, coach, team manager and parents doing the ice bucket challenge so please support us by donating to fund vital research, effective treatments and ultimately a cure for MND.

Thank you so much for your support!

Best wishes,

Seaford u8 girls football club

My Achievements

Fundraising page

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Received 5 Donations

Reached Fundraising Target

Increased Target

My Updates

Thank you

Tuesday 11th Jun
Thank you everyone for all of your generous donations. The girls managed to raise just over $300 and well above the target. We appreciate all of your support. Go Tigers 🐯 

Thank you to my Sponsors


Stanley Paul

Well done girls




Helen James


Evie Cook

Go tigers 🐯


Temby Family

Go girls awesome effort 🌟


Lily Hayes

Go Tigers 🐯


Josh Stokes


Ivy Houston

Ivy Houston


Billie Gomularz



Samone Cranston

Let’s Go Seaford Girls!!



Go Olivia!! 🐯


Stela & Meggie X


Valerie Park

Go girls!


Michelle Young


Evie Hurrey

We had the best fun🐯


Aunty Shakira

Go girls!