Jimmy's Big Frosty Flush Fundraiser!

DIY Big Freeze

Let's Freeze the Beast together!

Hey everyone, it's Jimmy here! As many of you know, I'm passionate about fighting Motor Neurone Disease (MND), a cause that's deeply personal to me. This year marks the 20th anniversary of my father's passing from MND, and I'm determined to make it our biggest year yet in the fight against this devastating disease.

To raise awareness and funds for MND research, I'm taking on a chilly challenge: the Ice Bucket Challenge with a twist! Instead of just one bucket of cold water, I'll have (clean) toilet cisterns filled with icy blue-dyed water flushed over me. And here's the kicker: for every $500 raised, I'll add an extra toilet cistern to the mix!

Last year, thanks to your incredible support, we blew the target $2000 out of the water and raised over $2600. This year, I'm aiming even higher – let's make it our biggest year to date!

MND has touched my life in a profound way, taking my father from us far too soon. It's a relentless beast, and I refuse to let it win. With your help, we can fund vital research, provide support to families affected by MND, and move one step closer to finding a cure.

I want to extend a heartfelt thank you in advance to each and every one of you. Together, we can make a real difference. Let's come together, make a big flush, and show MND that we won't back down. Let's make Big Freeze's tenth year our most impactful yet!

My Achievements

Fundraising page

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Received 5 Donations

Reached Fundraising Target

Increased Target

My Updates

🎉 Today is the Day! 🚽

Monday 10th Jun
We’re setting up for Jimmy’s Big Freeze Flush Fundraiser, happening during the Big Freeze event at the MCG. I can’t express enough how grateful I am for every single one of you who has supported this cause. Your generosity, encouragement, and donations mean the world to me and to everyone affected by Motor Neurone Disease (MND). This cause is deeply personal to me, and your support has made this journey incredibly meaningful. Together, we’ve raised awareness and funds to help fight this devastating disease, and I couldn’t have done it without you. Stay tuned—I’ll be sharing a video of the event soon so you can see the fun (and the icy flushes) firsthand. Let’s make today unforgettable and continue making a difference in the fight against MND. From the bottom of my heart, thank you all so much. 💙💧 #FightMND #BigFreeze10 #BigFreezeFlush

Let’s Fill Those Cisterns for Jimmy’s Big Freeze Flush Fundraiser!

Wednesday 5th Jun
Hey Everyone,

Just a quick update as we gear up for Jimmy’s Big Freeze Flush Fundraiser this weekend!

We’re getting the cisterns ready and filling them with that icy blue water. The countdown has begun, but we haven’t hit our fundraising goal just yet.

We’re close, but we need your help to make sure every cistern is filled and ready to pour. Every donation counts, no matter how big or small. Let’s make this weekend unforgettable and make a real difference in the fight against Motor Neurone Disease (MND).

So, dig deep, spread the word, and let’s fill as many cisterns as we can. Together, we can make this the biggest and best fundraiser yet!

Thanks for all your support!



Launching the Fundraiser and why it means so much!

Sunday 12th May
I'm incredibly excited to be apart of The Bigfreeze again. But before we dive into the details, I want to take a moment to reflect on why this cause holds such profound meaning for me and why I'm passionate about supporting FightMND and the Motor Neurone Disease community.

Twenty years ago, I lost my father to MND, forever changing the trajectory of my life. His battle with this relentless disease taught me invaluable lessons about resilience, love, and the power of community. Witnessing his strength in the face of adversity and the incredible support we received from friends, family and the community, it inspired me to take action and try to make a difference.

That's why Jimmy's Big Freeze Flush Fundraiser isn't just about raising funds. it's about honouring the memory of those we've lost, celebrating the courage of those currently battling MND, and advocating for a future free from this devastating disease. It's an opportunity for us to come together as a community, to raise awareness about MND, and to support the incredible work being done by organisations like FightMND.

FightMND was established with the purpose of finding effective treatments and ultimately a cure for MND. Their dedication to improving the lives of those affected by MND is nothing short of inspiring.

As we embark on this challenge together, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one of you for your support, your generosity, and your unwavering commitment to making a difference. Together, we can bring hope to those who need it most and ensure that no one faces MND alone.

Thank you for joining me in this important cause!

Thank you to my Sponsors


Sally Milliss


Wilson Kao


Carol X




Ben Geerdink

Grill time soon come


Cath And Bretto Hand

Love ya Jimmy!!


James Milliss


Gavan And Fiona

Best of luck with your fundraising James. Awesome cause. Hope you knock it out of the park again!


Bayley Tuite

Big Love to Jimmy 💙




Liam Jones


Michael Dolly

Jimmmyyyy Miiiillllliiiiisss


Debbi Wood

Good on you James xx


Cath Mcgarry


Sam Ryan


Sigrid Iredell

Awesome job Jimmy,


Chris & Chrissy Chapman




Danielle And David Dastoli

Good luck mate your dad would be laughing his head off watching you. ❤️


Tahoura Gholamitehrani


Claire Wilton


Kimberlie Palmer


Holly Condon