Bellaire Big Freeze

DIY Big Freeze

Bellaire Big Freeze

Hello Bellaire friends and families,

We are taking the plunge this DIY Big Freeze 10 to fundraise for Motor Neurone Disease (MND). 

The average life expectancy of someone diagnosed with MND is just 27 months.

Please support us by donating to fund vital research, effective treatments and ultimately a cure for MND.

We will be dunking one teacher from each year level/team BUT the year level/team with the most money raised will have MORE of their team dunked!

Thank you so much for your support!

If you are donating via this website, be sure to write a note in the message of which year level you are raising money for!

Eg. Georgia Dawson - Year 6

The options are;

- Prep

- One

- Two

- Three

- Four

- Five

- Six

- Leadership

- Specialists

- Office / ES Staff

My Achievements

Fundraising page

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Received 5 Donations

Reached Fundraising Target

Increased Target

Thank you to my Sponsors


Bellaire Primary School


Helen Stevens

Donation for PMF


Tim Corbett

Supporting grade one, and a close and very talented friend/athlete who has MND that i sponsor.


Ang S

Sormaz family donation for Grade 5, Mr Dobson's class. Let's get dunking!


Gemma Strickland

In loving memory of Hannah and Jenson’s great-grandad Maurie Wood who died from MND. Dunk Grade 3!


Jack Hickey

What a fantastic effort - well done teachers who are being dunked. Grade 6.


Sean & Kally Morey

Mr Morey!!


Alexander Smith

For our dear friend Max - a donation for Alexander in 2RN


Jacob Smith

For our dear friend Max - a donation for Jacob Smith in 2BG


Vivienne Smith

For our dear friend Max - a donation for Vivienne Smith in 4GM


Tracy Spath

Lets get Miss Crole dunked!!! From Paddy


Tracy Spath

Dunk Miss Carrol!! 6AC


Xavier Kiss

Xavier Kiss 1CN


Myers Family

Donation from Year 2 and Year 4 students.


Vikki Mccoy

Dunk Georgia



Grade 3 for the Win



For Grade 3 please :)


Anna Gundry

$20 G6 Zoe Parlementas $20 G6 Kane Outtram


Frida Jiao



Fiona Swift

A donation for Eva - year 6 and Thomas - year 3


Levi Mcrae

Year 3, Mr Morey!



Year 3 and 5


Jessica Clyne

Great effort team. Prep - Pippa Clyne


Jessica Clyne

Great effort team. Grade 2 - Greta Clyne


Jessica Clyne

Great effort team. Five - Tom Clyne


Chelsey Agg

Grade 2


Hazel Kirwin

Year four!


Morgan Kirwin

Year Six


Kingsley Kuan

Mr Ryan Normington's Class Kingsley Kuan ( 2RN )


Mia - Prep


Adam-ashley - Year 3


Chris Floyd

Mitch Floyd - Prep


Charles Yi

Charles YI -Year 2


Jacob W



Elena Li

Grade 2


Mackenzie Moores

Friends that have suffered and are suffering. Grade 2


Sonny Moores

Friends that are suffering and those that suffered. Grade Prep


Wyatt Archer

Grade Two


Isaac Archer

Grade Prep


Tristan D

Georgia Year 6!


Naomi Di Stefano

Grade 6 Mahler Would like to nominate Miss Carrol or a grade 6 teacher for a dunk!!




Ava Harraghy



Hari H

Prep TM


Hongyi Fan

Year 6



Such a great cause! - grade 6 team please





Izzy Learey

please dunk the grade 6 teachers! Go team 6!


Kai Learey

Grade 3 for the win!





Lottie English

Year 2 ~In honour of Burty~


Vedder English

Prep ~In honour of Burty~


Jack Edwards

Jack Edwards - Grade 2 EP


Lindsey Lehmann

Grade 3!


Zoe Lehmann



Harvey Coomber-hyder

Harvey Coomber-Hyder - Year 1 1CN


The Hunt Family

Donation towards year 6 tally! Good luck!


The Hunt Family

Donation towards year 3 tally. Good luck!


Nellie Wilson



Max Tyson


Kath Bamert

Lawson nominates Caleb to get dunked 💧 (ES/office Support)


Teresa Grant

Felix Etoc Gr 5 Millie Etoc Gr e


Ella Li

Grade 6


Andreacchio Family

Years 3 and 4


Ollie Earl

Ollie Earl Please dunk Mrs McArthur !


Bonnie Atherfold

Grade 2 -Mr normington


Liz Mclean

Please donate this to grade 2 year level thanks


Ayla Colwell



Maive Mcmaster

Let’s dunk those grade 6 teachers!!!


Arlo And Raff Mchugh


Blair Stockman

Amazing job guys -- Blair Stockman PED



Mr Outtram- 6KO


Harper Earl

Miss Crompton - I want you to get dunked!


Charlie Ham

Ben Raidme Grade 6


Elsie Colwell



Willa Colwell



Isla Couper

Year 4


Sophie Song

Donating to Year2.


Owen Rau

Dunk the Year 6 teachers!


Noah Rau

Dunk the Year 6 teachers!


Nikki Brown



Max Learey

Grade One - Go Ms Burns!


Hayden Mccaughan

Year 3


Ruby Mccaughan

Year 1



For Year 6 team please