Frequently Asked Questions
About DIY Big Freeze
What is DIY Big Freeze?
DIY Big Freeze is a fun and flexible fundraising event that raises awareness and funds for FightMND in your community.
The best part? How you set up a DIY Big Freeze is up to you! Host it at your school, sports club, workplace, or even at home and include your own twist - from an ice bucket challenge to a slide or even a backyard BBQ with chilly water activities.
Big or small, every DIY Big Freeze brings people together for a rewarding and exciting cause. Dress up, make a splash and make a difference!
Does it cost anything to host a DIY Big Freeze event?
It is completely free to sign up to do a DIY Big Freeze. There of course may be some costs involved depending on how big you want your DIY to be.
If you are planning on hosting an event here are some tips to help keep costs low.
Try recruiting volunteers and asking suppliers for donations. Instead of catering, ask attendees to bring a plate of food to keep the community vibe going or partner with a local food truck for food and drinks.
For a major fundraiser, be mindful of event hire and public liability costs. For a simple and affordable DIY Big Freeze, try an ice bucket challenge—buckets and ice are cheap, and it’s always fun to dunk a boss or coach!
Does my DIY Big Freeze event have to fall on the same day as the Big Freeze Community Round?
No! You can hold a DIY Big Freeze event any day of the year.
What is the Big Freeze Community Round?
The Big Freeze Community Round is a weekend of special games hosted by local sporting clubs, leagues and organisations. It's held each year to encourage clubs across Australia to pull up their Socks and play for a cause.
In 2025, Community Round will take place from 26 May to 1 June.
If your club can’t host a Community Round during those dates, no problem! You can hold it any time of the year.
I signed up as an individual and would like to create or join a team.
We love that you want to join the fun with your community!
To join an existing team:
- Select 'Join a team' in the navigation.
- Type in the team name you wish to join.
To create a team:
- Reach out to Team FightMND here, we can help you out!
I need ideas for my DIY Big Freeze.
There are so many ways to get involved in DIY Big Freeze. It's all about rallying your community together to do the Big Freeze your way.
Big or small, the beauty of a DIY Big Freeze event is that you can make a difference in the fight against MND. Anytime. Anywhere. Anyway. Check out the Big Freeze in your Community home page and handbook for ideas!
The FightMND team are also happy to help you out with event inspiration, reach out here.
I have been nominated as a slider for my community.
Great job stepping up for the team and daring to do! It takes real courage, whether you're sliding or getting dunked with ice water in a fun costume.
Once your team captain sets up a fundraising page for your community, you can join and create your own fundraising page. Here's how:
1. Search your team name or use your team's fundraising page link and click 'Join Us'.
2. Sign up here, in the team section, click 'Join Team'. Then, search your team name and you're all set!
All funds you raise on your page will contribute to your team's overall goal. Don't forget to share your page to maximise your impact!
Can I sell Big Freeze Socks and Beanies at my fundraising event?
Yes, you can sell Big Freeze Socks and Beanies at your fundraising event.
Bulk orders can be made at
Payment for bulk orders can be made by:
- Using a credit card to pay when you submit your bulk order, or
- Arrange for an invoice to be emailed to you. All invoices must be paid by Thursday 26 June 2025.
If you request an invoice, you will still need to provide a credit card for security purposes. To verify your credit card, FightMND will transact $10 on your card. This will be refunded to you on payment of your invoice.
Where can I find FightMND fundraising tools and templates?
Looking for helpful tools for your event? Head to our DIY Big Freeze Resources section for info sheets, posters, invitations and much more!
Need help setting up your fundraising page? We’re happy to help. Reach out to our friendly team here.
Do you have any social media tags I can use for my event?
Yes! We love seeing all the different DIY Big Freeze events – your creativity knows no bounds.
Our FightMND social media handles are:
- Facebook and Instagram: @fightmnd
- TikTok: @fightmnd_
You can also use these hashtags in your post:
- #BigFreeze11
- #DIYBigFreeze
- #TeamUpForBF11
- #DaretoDo
- #FightMND
Feel free to send your Big Freeze photos to
Will FightMND help me promote my event?
While we can’t attend every event, we’re all about supporting your success! Share your photos and videos and tag us on social media — and we’ll do our best to cheer you on.
For the best reach, promote through your own channels like social media, newsletters, and local news to connect with people in your community.
Where can I find the FightMND logo?
Reach out to our friendly team here and request our "proudly supporting FightMND" logo for your event!
Where can I find my personal and team's QR code?
Download a unquie QR code that links to your fundraising page or your teams fundraising page.
1. Navigate to your dashboard (select 'My Team' for Team QR code)
2. Select the 'Get Support' tab
3. Click 'QR Code' button
4. Save image
Add your QR code to one of posters in the resources section.
How do I donate to someone?
There are two ways you can donate!
- Click their unique team or individual fundraising link.
- Click 'Donate' in the top navigation and use the search a fundraiser tool to find your friend's fundraising page.
Are donations tax deductible?
All donations over $2 are tax deductible. Donations made via will receive a receipt for their donation via email.
Why does FightMND need my continued support?
For 10 years the Australian community has stood by our side as we fearlessly fought the Beast. Our vision is a world free of MND. However, MND research is expensive, and it takes time. We can’t do this fight alone.
Donations play a crucial role in raising funds for research and clinical trials to better understand and, ultimately, find a cure.
We understand if people choose not to donate. If you still want to support FightMND, please visit our website for other ways to support our cause.