Clare Ross

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My target 27 Hours

This Spring, we're taking part in the FightMND Challenge 27.

Hi there,

This Spring, Lorna and I will be taking part in the FightMND Challenge 27 and getting active in the fight to find a cure for motor neurone disease. 

If you can, please support us by making a donation to my fundraising page. Every dollar counts and all funds raised go to FightMND who are determined to fund vital MND research and help find a cure for MND.

Thank you, your support means a lot!

My Achievements

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Received 5 Donations

Reached Goal

Increased Target

Fundraising Page

My Updates


Tuesday 3rd Sep
People are amazing! We have such wonderful friends and family (and friends I count as family!) - thank you, thank you, thank you!!! 

Day One!

Sunday 1st Sep
Happy Father’s Day to all the dads out there! A beautiful start to our 27 Day Challenge with 6kms down. The wind would have ‘blown a dog off a chain’ so I decided to leave baby long dog at home and take Leo and Elsie out. Ears had to be set back to default setting upon arriving home.
I thought about dad during the walk and how he would have loved to see the paddock’s so green and the wattle out in full bloom. Never take a day for granted!
MND Fact: 27 months is the average lifespan once diagnosed. I promise I’ll try to find some uplifting facts about research progress as we continue the challenge!

Thank you to my Sponsors



For you Mr Good. So many wonderful memories from our teenage years. 🥰




Iain Gould


Amy Hine (bell)

In loving memory of your Dad and my beautiful friend Bec's Mum. FightMND!




Toni Unger

The best of the best, I don't think Mr Good (and the whole amazing Good family!) will ever know the amazing impact you all had on my teenage years x




Meg Xxox



Thinking of you both and good luck ❤️ an amazing cause xx


Josh S.

In loving memory of Mr. G. Keep up your amazing efforts Clare & Lorna. ❤️ J x





Good on you Clare and Lorna!


Brigid Cassells


Clare Ross




Terese Kirshaw

Well done Clare & Lorna! Praying for a cure 🙏


Rastus The Uninvited Guest!

Loving joining in on such a worthy cause!


Julie & Tony



Great effort and well done Clare.


Angie Parr

My beautiful cousins doing an amazing job love you guys & Uncle Lester would be so happy & proud cracking jokes left right & centre I’m sure


Lisa Syrette

Keep on walking. Hope this small contribution makes a difference to the fight against MND



Well done!


Walkenhorst Family


Tracey Whyte

You are amazing 🥰! Such a horrid disease - hope they find a cure soon!



What a fantastic cause, go Clare 🥰


Andrea And Alex

To effort ladies!


Sam Hogan


Amy Perfrement

What a kind, gentle and funny man Lester was. Very appropriate to have many dogs in tow x



You're amazing ❤️


Chareen Callander


Karin Fossa

Congratulations Clare xx


James Morris