DIY Big Freeze

We are fundraising for FightMND

Hi there,

We are taking the plunge this DIY Big Freeze 10 to fundraise $500 towards vital funds for Motor Neurone Disease (MND). 

The average life expectancy of someone diagnosed with MND is just 27 months.

We will be hosting an Ice Bucket Challenge so please support us by donating to fund vital research, effective treatments and ultimately a cure for MND.

Thank you so much for your support!

Best wishes,

Student Leaders

My Achievements

Fundraising page

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Received 5 Donations

Reached Fundraising Target

Increased Target

My Updates


Thursday 16th May
Hi everyone, the Big Freeze is coming to CTDHS! We will be hosting our Big Freeze event on Thursday 30th of May. Please donate to help us hit our targets to see your favourite student leaders and teachers get icy cold in the ice bucket challenge!
From your Secondary Student Leaders: Ava, Elvie, Rosa, Makayla and Ash

Thank you to my Sponsors


Jordan Blake


Campbell Town District High School


Campbell Town District High School



Well done CTDHS 👍 such a great cause xo




Michaela Vaughan


Lisa & Shaun Larsen

Fantastic effort everyone!




Patricia Donaldson


Eddie And Ali Webster


Georgie Burbury


Georgie Nicolson




Casey & Patrick




Laurindah Taylor-hambleton


Richard Hambleton


Lisa Storay

Amazing work CTDS


Chantel Martin (baker)

Dunk them all! Love class of 2006!


Mrs Storay


Ava Fenton