Archie Payne

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I'm taking part in my 5th FightMND Challenge 27

Hi there,

I'm Archie, I'm 15 and this September I will be taking part in my 5th FightMND Challenge 27 and getting active in the fight to find a cure for motor neurone disease. I have raised over $20,000 since I have been fundraising for FightMND, and I hope to add to that tally this year.

This year, starting on the 1st of September, I will either run or ride my bike for a minimum of 27 minutes a day for 27 days straight. On the final day of my challenge, I will be organising and participating in a mass ice bucket challenge at my school, where 27 of us will line up and have a bucket of iced water tipped over our heads. These 27 people will include friends and teachers, and maybe even a few extra people who are very special to me.

If you can, please support me by making a donation to my fundraising page. Every dollar counts and all funds raised go to FightMND who are determined to fund vital MND research and help find a cure for MND.

Thank you, your support means a lot!

My Achievements

Updated Profile Pic

Added a Blog Post

Received 5 Donations

Reached Goal

Increased Target

Fundraising Page

My Updates

Day 17 & 18

Wednesday 18th Sep
Day 17 and 18 - Day 17 was a 27 minute ride of the roads and day 18 was a 27 minute ride on the bike at the gym. Can’t believe I’m more than half way through the challenge, just over a week until my mass ice bucket challenge at school, really looking forward to that!

Day 15 & 16

Monday 16th Sep
Day 15 and 16 - yesterday I did a 27 minute ride at the pump track at school and today a 27 minute jog around the neighbourhood. Everything is feeling ok and was nice having some sun today.

Day 13 and 14

Saturday 14th Sep
Day 13 and 14 - Day 13 was a 27 minute ride at the gym, and day 14 was a 27 minute run at parkrun. It’s so nice to see lots of friendly faces at parkrun, I’ve definitely missed the social side of running and the supportive running community. Its good to be back 💪

Day 11 and 12

Thursday 12th Sep
Oops, forgot to post yesterday! Day 11 and 12 were both 27 minute rides, yesterday a ride around the roads and today at the QHS pump truck. It was so nice today having a ride in the sunshine, it’s been a while!

Day 10

Tuesday 10th Sep
Day 10 - Today’s 27 minutes was on the tready. Everything felt good. Happy with how how everything’s cruising along nicely 💪

Day 9

Monday 9th Sep
Day 9 and today I did my 27 mins on the bike at the gym. I did my ride after a leg workout which probably wasn’t my best idea, but all felt good. 

Day 8

Sunday 8th Sep
Day 8 and I went for a 27 + min ride with some friends in the rain, which was fun! In the excitement of finishing the ride, I’ve pressed the wrong button on my watch and it didn’t record on strava, but definitely did happen 🚴‍♂️

Day 7

Saturday 7th Sep
Day 7 and I did my first parkrun in over 3 months! It was good to be back and see heaps of people I used to run with weekly. I did a nice slow one and the body didn’t feel too bad.

Day 6

Friday 6th Sep
Day 6 - a 27 minute run on the treadmill at the gym today. Second run after a 3+ month break and everything felt good 💪

Day 5

Thursday 5th Sep
A muddy bike ride at the QHS pump track this arvo before riding around the road a bit to clean the mud off the tyres. Total raised so far this year is $464 💪

Day 4

Wednesday 4th Sep
Day 4 and I kind of stuffed up today! I was so excited that the gym had the power come back on today that I decided to jump on a bike there for today’s 27, I started my ride, and got about 14 minutes into it when I accidentally hit a button that cleared the timer on the bike, so had to start the 27 minutes again, so definitely got my time in today!

Day 3

Tuesday 3rd Sep
Day 3 - a 27 minute run on the tready. This was my first run of any sort in over 3 months. I have been having a break from running due to dealing with a lot of growing pains while running, so I was interested to see how the body felt first run back and I’m happy to say it was ok! 

Day 2

Monday 2nd Sep
Day 2 today, went to the gym after school to do a run or ride but they had no power, so came home and squeezed in a bike ride up to school before my basketball game. Bit muddy on the QHS pump track today! 

Day 1

Sunday 1st Sep
Day 1 of my 27 days and I managed to get a 27 minute bike ride done in between the rain and yucky weather. Looking forward to the next 27 days of riding and running 💪

Thank you to my Sponsors


Archie Payne

Sports Card fundraiser money


Marie Richardson

Hi Archie, you got this!



From Nan and Pop xxxx



Great job Archie xx



$2.70 for 27 days = $72.90 Proud of you matey. Love Auntie K.


Cassie Eyles

You are an absolute super star 🌟


Lisa Mitchell

Good on you, Archie!!



$27 for each 27 minutes at Parkrun- glad you are enjoying them.


Hinsheri Family

Well done Archie 😊


Sam Walley

Good on you mate 💪


Gaylene Johns

Great job Archie


Aileen Poynter

Well done Archie


Scotty Reitsema


Berwick Family

You are an absolute super star Archie. We love watching you grow and continue to support this cause.


Chloe Payne

proud of you


Maxine Burr

Well Done Archie x