Break the Ice with the boss - Ice bucket challenge to fightMND!
We are taking part in the ice bucket challenge, DIY Big Freeze 10, to fundraise for vital funds for motor neurone disease (MND).
The average life expectancy of someone diagnosed with MND is just 27 months. Imagine waking up every day without knowing what other function you will lose. Gradually, most patients lose the ability to swallow, to speak, to stand, to walk, to hold their head and neck up, and eventually stop breathing.
The worst disease in medicine is underfunded. We need your support today to find answers and help others affected.
Please donate to fund vital research, effective treatments, and, ultimately, a cure for MND.
We have wonderful people leaders who have put their hands up to the ice bucket challenge on Wednesday 12 June 2024 - you can ice bucket your boss if you are the largest donator (you can donate as an individual or combined as a team).
Every donation over $2 is tax deductible.
Thank you so much for your support!
DPHI Break the Ice with the Boss Team
Thank you to our Sponsors

Dphi - Policy And Legislation

Thanks Zak for sharing your and Tazzie’s story 🤍 and thanks to the volunteers taking the plunge.

Andrew Fellows
A brilliant cause close to my heart.

Wehbe & Hanna & Mellick Family
In honour of our beloved Tats / Tayta

Brendan Liew
In loving memory of Lan Banh

Angela And Paul Fasullo

David Guo
In loving memory of Jo Pugsley

Somerset Hoy
Very sad I missed the dunking, but great job team!

Thank you

Thank you to all those who have shared their stories.

Abigail Bautista

Edward Hanna

David Gainsford

Thank you for raising awareness about MND. Good luck with the challenge!

B Wehbe

Scott Courtney

Veronica Wehbe

Dominic Crinnion

Davida Liang

Andre Szczepanski
Good stuff guys.

Richard And Bernadette Hanna

Sonia Wehbe

Liz Gonzalez


Kersten Philippe

Kieran Bernie

Isaac Spears
Great cause and great idea to ice bucket the boss. win-win

Katarina Nossal
Cracking $3500! Well done team

Ejien Saw

Emily Mcneill

Larissa Hooper
Great work May and team!


Grace Johnson
Good luck with the fundraising great cause.

Carrie Kingsford

Carol Leedham

Aileen Mcgee


Aaron Petersen
Great cause! Great advocacy May.


Katherine Nocera


Ben Cooper
Yes, May and your team of legends!


Erin Dowdell
Thank you all for supporting this organisation!

Tim Scott


Marlene Bezzina
Best of luck with the fund raising challenge

Mark Grace

Guillermo Umana Restrepo

Annabel Teague


Daniel Foley

