We're fundraising for FightMND
Hi there,
We are taking the plunge this DIY Big Freeze 10 to fundraise $10,000 towards vital funds for Motor Neurone Disease (MND).
The average life expectancy of someone diagnosed with MND is just 27 months.
The Bentleigh Junior Football Club COACHES will be taking part in the ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE so please support us by donating to fund vital research, effective treatments and ultimately a cure for MND.
Thank you so much for your support!
Best wishes,
President BJFC
Thank you to our Sponsors


Jasonn Dowd


The Barber Club
Great job Brad. Well Done!

You’re a champ!! Go well…Nightclub

G & T Smith
Proud parents

Wayne Smith
Good work coach!

Dare Training Studios

Sustainable Landscaping
Great Work Em

Ben, Genene & Katya

Andrew & Kylie Dowsing

Joshua Mrocki

Holmes, De Silva & Matthews Families
Such a great cause! All the best!

Max Foster
Thank you for your support Coach Brad. I can’t wait to til a bucket of ice on you! 😂🙌🏼❤️💙

Michael And Pauline Mcguire

Daniel Harrap
Well done on the coaching gig Pipe and well done on raising awareness here - Love it !

Brolga Design

Carly Susic
Thanks for your efforts Josh for a cause close to our hearts, I lost my beautiful Dad and Jack his beloved Pa to MND… it truly is a hideous disease.

Bunbury Bus Service
Keep up the good work Kernie, very worthwhile cause.

Daryl Hatting
Great work mate!

Andrew And Mary
Way to go KP ! Always leading from the front !

Activation Union
Best of luck mate - great cause

Steve Harrison

Chris Lanyon
Great job Em. $50 of my donation from B & R. Look forward to watching you hopefully xx

Harry V
Keep it cool🥶❤️

Declans Ladyboy Friend Xxoo
Up yours joel

Kathryn Johnston

Andrew Cronin

Barbara A Griffiths
Hold your breath. I know you can do it 💪😉

Stephen Daniels
Great work mate.

Pilatti Bros Transport

Craig Nethercott
Great cause, hopefully they'll find a bucke bigger enough for your head.

East Brighton Vampires U12 Pitt
East Brighton Vampires U12 PITT

Bernadette & John

Stuart Hutton
Great cause Pipe / Coach

Patrick Miceli
Go freeze your titts off!! Well done!!

The Piening's
Love your work & the BFC coaches Pipey.

Levi Rampling
Great work coach parko

David Hartney
Great job Emma !

Not sure if you are crazy or brave- probably a bit of both. Good on you Wonder Woman!

Thickins Family
Great cause Brad

Michael Aitken
👍🏻we will be there to cheer you on ❤️💙

Joel R
Beat that Ryan

Mark Saunders
Get this on camera! 😂

Sarah & Craig
Love the Parkes x

Sarah & Craig Parkes
👏👏 🥶🥶

Clay Forbes

Brad Smith

Tim Burrows
Good luck mate. Hopefully some that ice finds it’s way from your head to a warming glass of scotch afterwards. TB

Nicole Little
Awesome job bro 👍

Nicky Mackie
Great work josh

Nick Bayne
Great work mate

The Manchester Contingent
Good Luck, Kirsten!

Jake Whatley
Well done Brad! Such a great cause fighting to find a cure for the Beast!

Kym Murchison
Good luck Brad and Mappa

Ander Taylor
Go Tony : ) Hope life is treating you well.

Lindsay Holloway

Simon Nicholas
Good luck Pipe.

Your Favourite Rover And Coach.
You mak it!

Marcus Baldiwn
Keep those knackers cold big knackers

Anthony Hand

The Marnows
Great cause, thanks for bringing awareness. I hear ice baths are exhilarating, that's all yours!

Zoghbi Family

Gary Slaughter

Rosa Whittaker

Shane Bhuj
How big will the bucket be? Great cause mate.

Josh Mackie

Chris Hassall
Great work legend! 💪🏽💪🏽

Tom Kovac
Good on you coach for your awesome efforts for a great cause.

Sam And Lenny


Good luck Mandy!

James M
Great cause!!!

Kon & Sonya Galitos
Well done Mandy, love Galitos’

No Borat bathing suit please. Great job getting behind the cause!

Mathew Burgess

Sophie Smith
Great Work Pipe! Love The Other Smiths Xx

Andy Lumsden
Great cause mate. Well done!

Danny Byrnes

I need to see photos! Good on you legend

Chris Dodd

Hayden Abercrombie
Go hard big man

Cooper Jones

Cooper Jones

Connor Mckenzie & Family
Well done Jack!!! The U8s are proud of you! 🩵

Natalie Molloy
Well done Jack. What a great cause! From the Molloy’s x

Rory, Breda & Paul Burrows
Thankyou for this amazing work & all you’re doing coaching our boys

Mark Mcleod

Avery And Parker
Good luck pipe!

Piper Duell

Dizzy Smith
Good luck mate!

Michael Grace

Denise Calvert
Have fun. Hope the ice is super cold!!!!

Great cause bro.

Dizzy Smith
Good luck Joshy boy

Jack Mcguire

Emma Salazar

Camilla Brockett
Awesome effort Bobby!!

Jonathan Strong

Alexander Gerdan
Well done, you’re a good man

Cameron Rankin
Well done Jack. Amazing, these things make a huge difference. Love Cam, Lynsey, Gabe and Bonnie

Daniel Bonnici

Oscar Bishop

Grace Gallagher
Well done Jack. A charity close to our families hearts.

Marcus Van Lint

Patrick Donlen
Great bloke for a great cause

Andrea Donald
Good luck!

P Hannan
Well done on taking the ice plunge!

James O'ryan
Go Mandy!

Karen Ford

En Architects
Great cause, good luck ice man ❄️


Adam Glass

Chris Coyle

Jack Wingfield
Amazing result, Good Luck

The Other Half
Good luck!

Vicki Kilbride

Peter Knight

Greg Norris
Great stuff mate. Looking forward to seeing you get your rig out again and freeze

Hannah Rachmat

Zachary White
Great job Coach!

Goodale Family

Georgette Paaila
Great work here Brad. Hope you and the family are well

Jenny Sampson
You're a bloody champ Brad,

Lavi Kurani
Go Coach!

Nigel Parsons
Well done Emma! Better be a big scream!

Alfie Smith
I know someone in the U12 team that would like to tip some ice on you!!!

Cheryl Mitting

Sharon Kavanagh

Matt Mitchell
Stay warm!

Mel Hoffmann

Matt Mitchell
Keep those thermals on! Good luck!

Stuart Livingstone

Grace Carroll
Go Josh

D & M Lynch
Great Effort Kirsten! This is fabulous.

Nicolas Marianne

Angela Keyburn
Go Girl!

The Lennon’s
Nice one Kirst Xx

Hughie Nailon
Play it cool, Pipe!

Patrick Lowenstern

Frontier Homes
Well done Paul. What a great cause. Looking forward to seeing the outfit.

Andy Mckibbin
Go Tony! Better you than me mate!

Carmen Hurwitz

Great cause.....

Heidi Nankervis

Genine Arvanitakis
Go Steve x

Georgia Hansen
Good on you Josh. My uncle was diagnosed with MND and lost his fight 4 months later so this is a cause close to our hearts.

Laeta, Dean And Eboni Crawford
Ice, ice baby! 🥶🥶

Iresha Gunasekara

Anastasia Nakos


Danielle Retemeyer

Georgia Hansen
Great cause. Well done Emma.

Anita Manku
Well done Brad. Such a great cause.

Tam Faiman
Great cause, can’t wait for this

Brooke Knight

Diane Robinson
Champion effort

Karina Pearl Marsh

John Luccinelli

Jay Solomon

Ben Holland
Great work Pipe

Matt Dixon
Great work, Pipe!

Holly And Matt Birkensleigh

Maiuran Poobalasingam
Great work and great cause Tony! All the best with it! Love Hui, Maiuran and the kiddies.

Mia Newman

Got you bruva,bruva,bruva 😂🙌

Orlando Mitchell
Orlando is looking forward to seeing his coach frozen!

Andrew Stadelmann

Shihan Fernando

Katotas Family
Youre a legend Brad! Magnificent effort!


Phillips Family

Kosta Stefanov

Lisa Grainger
It’s a great cause! Good luck Josh

Ann Marie Becker
Great Work Kirnie Hope someone is taping it so we can see it here in the West

Amelia Takle

Vesna Stefanov
Good on you Brad xx

Hall Family
Good luck Mandy!

Jackson Byrnes

Wendy Reynolds
Good luck Emma

Pateick Barton
Thanks Coach! Go Bentleigh.

Sammy Russell

Allison Connell

Normally we save the ice for the champagne bucket. This seems like a much better cause.

Jed Benton
Go Parko!

Luke Charles

Go coach!!

Will Russell
Go coach!

Norm Ciconte

Paul Jemmeson

Eloise Fox

Nicole Meszaros

Awesome Nic!

Leo Q
Go Coach !!

Dimopoulos Family X
Go Pres!

Awesome Gaz!

Tom Ford
Awesome effort Coach!

Sam Ford
Great work Coach!

Andy Bates

Dannii Cosentino

Anne Silva

Susan Weir
Great cause, well done Emma

Kerry Baldoni


Fiona Aamodt
A legend your whole life

Callan Stevens
Well done Emsy!

Sending love to your mate and their family!

Lily Cordover
Go Gary!!!

Alex Kenny

Onya Brent


Bruce And Rose Ansell

Lachlan Graham


Anna Rosenberg
Way to go Tony. Great cause and happy to support.

Koi Hair Co

Koi Hair Co

Liam Jordan
Good on ya mate

Ryan Bondesan

Kate Williamson

Harry Clifton
Proud of you, you have done well raising the amount you have for such a great cause. Can’t wait to see you covered in ice 😂

Kellie Runciman

David Cash

Well done Jack - thank you for stepping up in my absence for such a worthy cause.

Marianna Mckay
Good luck Nick

Brett And Deb Howe
Go Mandy 🙌

Dimitri Coates


Mark Arnheim
To put your hand up and then to do it just wearing your undies is admirable.

Vin Arnheim
Top 3 B & F finish locked in now.

Finley Rogacki

Brett & Mel
Go Pres 😄

Dean Richards
Good luck Jemmo and well done.

Rhi Jones

Rhi Jones

Florence 🌸
Ice ice baby ❤️

Porlee Ng

Marcus Sideridis
Great work coach Sam!

Archie Sideridis
Great work coach!

Kristi De Young
Might be the only time you’re speechless

Jess Milmeister
Go Mandy!

Tom Werry
Great work Coach!!

Baxter Family
Well done Emma!

Belmuda Family

Melanie Hoffman

Rhi Jones

Melanie Hoffmann

Rhi Jones

Michael A

Harrigan Family
Well done Mandy

Angela Legione
Embrace the moment. Good luck xx

The Gerdan’s
Well done Tony 😊

Ebony Reynolds
Good Luck Gary!

The Siriarmy

The Siriarmy

Ryan Fishlock
Onya Rob!

Oscar Moore
Hey Nick if I dump u with the ice it will be as many ice blocks as words of advice youve said to me look out!

Missy Owens
Great work

Colin , Blenda ,elijah, Sybilla Ho

Jordan Mandrakis

Will Ferrier

Love your commitment to a good cause

Love your commitment to a good cause

Darcy Prosser
Good on you Gaz 👏

Miles + Clark Komen
Well done Jack

Sara Forbes

Courtney Paino

Luke Mccormack
Good Luck!

Dylan Jayawardena
Way to go Coach!

Debbie Hatswell

Archer Murali
Great work coach!

Kim Aitken
Supporting those who care

Kerry O'brien
Freeze em off Dex

You Go!

Kristian Bardsley
Good work Josh.

Kaye Peterson
When I saw the words ice bucket, I immediately thought of champagne, but putting you on ice is the next best thing 🤪 Another great cause - I hope there’s footage.


Joel Kavanagh

Luca Carcelli

Protect them goulies

Minx Fennell
Well done Tony!

Rachel Rosens

Sienna Shepard
Great job!

The Howes Fambam.
Good luck little Cous. Enjoybthe experience for an amazing cause. Xx

Sam Parkinson

Sienna Webb

Maddie And Alannah Silva
Happy to support you Uncle Brad for a good cause x

Nick Jemmeson
Stay frosty JEMMO

Brendan Reynolds

Jai Cosentino

Bella Costelloe

GO GAZ!!!🥳🥳

Big Nuts Bill

Janet Whelan

Jude Langham


Naomi Waters

Julie Bosevski

Potts Paediatric Occupational Therapy
Go Unky Pool!

Emma Crothers
Thank you for stepping up for this amazing cause ❤️💙

Emma Crothers
Thank you legend for putting yourself out there to support ❤️💙

Heidi Hammer

Chloe Wiltshire
Well done Gaz!

Di Dullard

Alex Kenny

Beau Green
Go coach

Ruby Gilholme
Go Gary!

Lachlan Gilholme
Go Jack

Harrison Gilholme
Go Kellie

Go Brent


Dannii Cosentino

Danny Carroll
Onya Josh, great effort 👍👍👍

Jane Scriva
Great job Rob, hope it's a warm night 😉

Harry Clifton
Really hoping I’m the one that gets to pour the ice in your head

Archer Francis
Go Coach!

Corey Mackie
good girl joshy

I hope there’s some extra cold ice in there

Jake Cooper

Elaria Atluri

Rory Paterson
Our Team Members


Mathew Burgess

Declan Reeve

Tony Hand

Josh Mackie

Brad Smith

Steve Harrison

Layne Hesse

Brent Retemeyer

Sam Parkinson

Gary Slaughter

Robert Reidy

Jack McGuire

Nicolas Marianne

Kellie Runciman

Emma Dowsing
