APM Foundation - Doing it for Dicky

Daniher's Drive 2024


In October we will be once again travelling regional Victoria in support of FightMND in its mission to find effective treatments and one day a cure for MND.
When Neale was diagnosed in 2014 he called upon Richard “Dicky” Custerson who was founder of A Postive Move corporate events to help raise funds and awareness for MND.  Together they raised significant funds through numerous events and Dicky participated in the first Daniher Drive in 2015.
In 2016 Dicky was looking forward to participating again but tragically he was diagnosed with aggressive liver cancer and after a short battle his funeral was held the day before the 2016 drive departed.
Dicky’s beautiful family of wife Leanne and children Tayla, Wayde and Camille together with friends have continued to be involved in the drive every year as a legacy to Dicky and to support Neale in his fight to “Beat the Beast”.
Over the last 9 years Team APM have been privileged to meet so many people who share in the hope of one day finding a cure for this disease and any donation to our team page will go a long way helping us meet our team target and continue funding valuable to MND research.
Thank you, we really appreciate your support,
Camille, (Brett), Jeanette, Jodie and Leanne xxxx

Thank you to our Sponsors


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