Tanjil South Primary School

DIY Big Freeze

I’m fundraising for FightMND

Hi there,

We are taking the plunge this DIY Big Freeze 10 to fundraise ($1000) towards vital funds for Motor Neurone Disease (MND). 

The average life expectancy of someone diagnosed with MND is just 27 months.

We will be hosting an Ice Bucket Challenge on Friday, June 28 so please support us by donating to fund vital research, effective treatments and ultimately a cure for MND.

Thank you so much for your support!

Best wishes,

Jason Horton - Principal Tanjil South Primary School

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Tanjil South Primary Big Freeze

Friday 21st Jun
Our school community is rallying together to freeze MND and help raise funds for FightMND.
The students will thaw the chilly day by plunging into the holidays with some fun, empathy and revenge.
No doubt there are some targets on the teacher’s heads and rumour has it a teacher from a nearby school has been nominated with a whopping price on his head. 
It has been cold enough here for us to collect the ice out of the water containers we have here for the birds and wildlife but we have our freezer stocked for that extra chill.
Our SRC are showing real empathy by choosing this activity for their end of term activity. They are an inspiration to alll.

Event will be held at the school on the 28th of June.

Thank you to my Sponsors


Tanjil South Primary Principal

When I had the last chat with the students today, I declared that I would match any donations made today. I am in awe of our little community. Thank you for being so fun and for giving to a good cause.


Tanjil South Primary Parents

Wow, what can I say? The ice melted today and the parents came out to play. Sammie was had her ice claws out and cracked open her special jar, Pania had her money hidden under her shower cap but that was soon whipped off. Clarke was in on the fun, so did Mr Rock. If I missed anyone who donated I'm sorry (please let me know and I will give you a personal shout out), I was handed a great pile of dontations while I was still wiping the water out of my eyes (that wasn't the ice water it was my tears of joy of how much our small community can do).


Triple M Sisters All Tanjil Ps Kids


Jason Horton


Belinda White


Mr Tang

The kids got good value for money with this one. Mr Tang was slam dunked. How Cool!


Tanjil South Students Big Freeze

The following students donated to our Big Freeze dunking event: Trenton, Madaline, Amerayne, Bentlee, Paislee, Oaklee They definitely understand gratitude and empathy. Amazing effor!


Miss Jingjia

Hiding in the background was this great quiet achiever. Although she isn't wet behind the ears she sure did encourage us to break the ice.


Tanjil South Students - Pyjama Day

Our SRC hosted a PJ day with gold coin donations. We raised $13